Creative Ways To Decorate Large Walls

October 18, 2021
Art wall 82

A large empty wall can easily become an eyesore. But with a creatively designed wall art can turn everything around. A carefully planned wall design can be the focal point of any room. There are creative ways to do this and for sure, your family and friends will love them. With a little preparation and the right decorations, you can make a simple house structure into something magical. Read on to learn more about how to decorate and make any large-sized wall into a work of art.

Display oversized artwork

To fill an empty wall without destroying the modern vibe in the room, experts recommend the display of a few oversized artworks. Add a few pieces that are of the same size to create an elegant and luxurious feel in the room. 

Introduce architectural images

Add architectural elements such as baseboards, wood planks, and others. These will add depth and dimension to your wall. You can buy these materials from your local hardware store or if there are some left from your previous renovation project, you can use them. These will likewise add some style and character to the whole room. 

Add accent furniture

You can always rely on accent furniture to help fill a wall space. For instance, you can add a sculptural table, an accent chair, or a console table to make an empty space look awesome. These will easily and instantly make your large wall look fun and exciting. You may also want to look at storage solutions such as drawers or cabinets to minimize clutter in your room. 

Layers of artwork and decor

If your large wall has a table below it, you may also want to consider layering pieces to get a more three-dimensional effect. For example, oversized mirrors are one of the great solutions to add life to a big blank wall. It also offers a wonderful layered look. Add your favorite small painting or artwork as well to add texture. 

Simple wall gallery

Create a gallery of artworks or prints that are of the same theme and matching frames. You can also create an eclectic wall gallery with a mixture of artwork, mirrors, prints, and hanging decor for a more cohesive and fun appearance. You can also add a console table below and another architectural piece on one side. 

Surround your bed with artwork and mirrors

If you are looking for a more creative solution, try this one. Hang one or more pieces of art directly above the headboard and then ad two matching mirrors to framed pieces above each nightstand. These fill in a way nicely and provide a balanced wall appearance. You may also hang two to three matching botanical prints above the bed and two matching mirrors above each nightstand. 

Tall plants

Position some of your decors in front of the wall which takes up wall space. You may also use tall indoor plants to make a corner statement. Not only that the plants add beauty to your home. They can also help purify the indoor air and keep everybody healthy.