Picture Frames For A More Appealing Wall

April 27, 2022
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Photos can be considered to be some of the most essential items. They capture memories and special events and these bring smiles to our faces. Picture frames are the best way to protect your photos from both natural and human damage. In addition to these, picture frames add more definition and color to the photos that do not have much brightness and vividness. It also elevates the picture through various settings that are provided by different custom photo framing services. Frames allow you to have your personalized and custom framing according to your preferences. It also makes your room look stylish by using different picture framing ideas. This may include dedicating a whole wall of one room to add style. 

How to hang small picture frames in the living room

Whether you are hanging photo frames or artworks on the walls, it is important to know how to hang them correctly. 

Decide first where to hang the picture frames. Select the frame which suits both the style and period of the picture. As a rule of thumb, the more contemporary the picture the simpler the frame.

People tend to hang pictures too high on the wall. Picture frames should be hung at eye level, which varies depending on whether the people in the room usually sit or stand and how old they are. For instance, in the living room, around the sitting area, hang for seated viewers. In the hallway, hang for standing viewers, in the kid’s room, hang pictures lower than in an adult’s room. Wires and hooks should not be seen. 

Small picture frames are best hung when grouped, especially in small rooms. Harmonize the grouping by keeping them within an imaginary rectangular or square. The spacing between frames is also important as too little space detracts from each picture and too much space loses the cohesion of the grouping. 

Personalized picture frames in the kid’s room

Framed art can seem a little stuffy for many designs in the kid’s room. With a little twist plus some display ideas, the picture frames you use can make the kid’s room into a dream space. 

Framing photos of your family or friends in the kid’s room is a simple process. Glue a fabric over a frame back, then add ribbons to hold photos, and print off photos so your child can stick them up as they see fit. 

When creating a gallery, add a heavy-duty clip to one of a few covered frame backs, hang, and instruct your child to clip the photo or artwork they wanted to be displayed.

Antique picture frames for a classic room look

Antique picture frames tend not to work with many photos due to a clash in time appearance. However, if they are paired with wedding photos, they may just work properly. The more ornate and elaborate the gold and silver frames, the more they tend to work better with prints and paintings. 

One tip for antique picture frames is to change the image to black and white. This will allow both the photo and the frame to retain their character. 

Antique picture frames are a statement in themselves. Hang them in areas that are relatively plain.