The 7 Principles Of Interior Design

June 7, 2022
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You might think that the principles of interior design are not that important. However, they are vital to have a dream home that you can flaunt to your friends. Having a well-designed interior enhances the aesthetic and economic value of your house. Here are the interior design principles that will make any home look cool and awesome. 


This means creating visual harmony in the space by ensuring that the elements are evenly distributed. As such, the interior will have a sense of equilibrium. Balance can be achieved with many forms, such as shapes, colors, patterns, and textures. 

Traditional symmetrical balance can be achieved when you place objects symmetrically on either side of an imaginary central axis. Asymmetrical balance keeps the focal point on the imaginary axis while allowing dissimilar and oddly numbered objects. Evenly distributed visual weight can be maintained with objects of similar dimensions. Radial balance, on the other hand, can be achieved by arranging objects around a central focal point. Examples are round dining tables and chandeliers. 


Unity in interior design refers to the uniformity or harmony among the elements used in the design. These include having patterns or textures, equal spacing, and similar colors of objects. This also refers to the repetition of elements to create a continuity of elements. 


Rhythm is about creating repetition and contrast in an interior to help carry visual interest around the room. You can add this to the room by painting the wall green and using the same color again on the furniture pieces. 


Emphasis is another principle that focuses on the need of every room on one central element as a focal point. The other elements should complement the focal point. This can be any large piece of furniture such as art, painting, accent wall, color, pattern, or texture. 


This is created when one combines two or more different forms, such as color, shape, or space. Achieve this principle with the use of opposite colors like black and white. Another example is to combine a round mirror with a rectangular dining table. 

Scale and Proportion

This principle refers to the ratio. For instance, the size and dimension of the objects in a room should relate to one another proportionally. One example is for homes with high ceilings should have larger furniture pieces. This will help achieve harmony in the design. 


This principle tells us that the little things must not be overlooked. Nothing is too small or too unimportant to pay attention to. This can be anything, from embroideries on cushions, handles on the cabinets, or personalized framed art displayed in your room.