Tips You May Use When Creating Wall Art

July 12, 2023
Umbrella Pets Poster in interior

A home is only complete with a piece of art or wall decor. We’ve got tips to muster your courage and do the unthinkable. Before you start, we want you to unleash creativity and be flexible in decorating your home. Here are some tips you may use when leveling up your home appearance. 

Do not rush things

When sprucing up your walls, take your time planning out the design you like. Sometimes it can be challenging to visualize how different art will appear on your walls. It is recommended to sketch out your plan on paper or use software or an application to help you achieve the desired look. You may also lay down the posters or artwork you will display on the floor. This will give you a perspective on how they appear on your walls. 

Get the necessary equipment

Grab all equipment for this project. Examples are hammers, nails, rulers, level, and others. Make sure you use the right equipment in mounting your wall decor. Do not use nails. 

Don’t forget to do the necessary measurements

Before hanging your decor, plan appropriately. Do some research on how to space everything out correctly. Designers recommend allowing at least four inches between frames to avoid overcrowding on your walls. 

Be innovative

These days, it is better to think outside the box when it comes to decorating your walls. Some designers recommend blending art and artifact along a wall to create movement throughout the space. The grouping and placement of items help add personality and style to your room. 

Feature your favorite pieces

Be brave and display your favorite pieces. Start with them before adding elements that give your walls a balanced appearance. Remember the scale and proportion and what you and others want to see first. 

Use different frames

Use different styles of frames. Do not stick to only one style. Many homes have various finishes, so if you use different frames, they will all come together. 

Do not break your bank

There is no need to go bankrupt when decorating your home. There are many affordable ways to level up your home, especially the walls. Be resourceful in looking for pieces, such as visiting thrift shops or garage sales. You can also go online, such as visiting, to look for the proper wall poster.

Consider the lighting

Remember lighting in relation to the artwork that you choose. You can use pin lights to feature your favorite artwork. Consider the light in your room to not create shadows on your pieces. 

Hang pieces around your home

Remember about less obvious rooms when hanging up framed prints. Be innovative and hang pieces between the toilet tank and a wall cabinet. These areas will make your home look more fun and exciting. 

Do not over decorate

Refrain from overdoing it when hanging your gramed prints or artworks. Choose a piece that will take center stage in your room and start from there. More wall decorations can be an eyesore.