Add Metallic Accents With Gold and Silver Prints

Graphical Gold and Silver no. 2 Poster

In the past, gold and silver colors are believed to not complement each other. In terms of rules in interior decorating, gold and silver could not be mixed. However, those days are already gone as gold and silver are warm and cool colors that evoke a cozy and comfortable room atmosphere. These metallic colors can blend creating a room that will be loved by your audience.

Symbolism of Gold and Silver

Shades of gold and silver are often associated with wealth. In addition to this, the colors are also inclined towards being proud, expensive products, and flashy items. In many instances, gold and silver are reserved for the rich and often used in special occasions and activities. 

Gold is the color of success, achievement, and triumph. It is also associated with abundance, prosperity, luxury, quality, prestige, sophistication, value, elegance, and extravagance. In fact in every country and culture, the color gold means affluence and material wealth. 

Silver, on the other hand , evokes a feminine energy. Shades of silver are known to be soothing and purifying. The presence of the color in any room signals a time of reflection and a change of direction as the color gives light to the way ahead. It helps in releasing tension of the mind and body. 

Impressive interior with Gold and Silver Posters

Looking at different interior design references, such as books, magazines, and design websites, you will be faced with tons of ideas that sometimes you do not know where to start. Decorating the wall or creating a wall art is not that complicated. There are always easy and creative solutions to any decorating project. These days the use of wallpaper, murals, and posters have proven their worth in interior decorating.

The Gold & Silver poster collection of artdesign can do the magical transformation that many homeowners and designers are looking for. We have the posters that will complete your wall art to successfully achieve a room appearance and atmosphere that you can easily flaunt. Display the posters on your walls with matching decorative items to evoke a classy and luxurious interior appearance. 

In addition to poster arts, you can also think about the different furniture pieces that will blend with the wall art. However, do not overuse the two metallic colors as they may be saturating and can ruin the room design and atmosphere. Pick one color to dominate and the other one to complement it. These colors are not difficult to use and there are many decorative items to use that can make the room look and feel comfortable.

Wall Art with Gold and Silver Posters

In artdesign we have trendy and affordable art that can add beauty to your interior. The poster collections are simply fantastic and can give the WOW feeling that many homeowners and designers are looking for in a room. These posters are easy to use and can complete the wall that you have been longing for. Your wall art of gold and silver posters will be an extraordinary focal point that can draw the attention of your family and friends.

Breathe Life into Your Walls: Decorating with Personalized Art

Wedding Portrait poster

Our homes are more than just shelters; they’re sanctuaries that reflect our personalities and tell the stories of our lives. Yet, amidst the furniture and everyday necessities, walls often remain blank canvases, yearning for a touch of individuality. This is where personalized art transforms your space from generic to genuinely you.

A Canvas for Your Story

Unlike generic store-bought pieces, personalized art directly reflects your experiences and emotions. Imagine a whimsical watercolor capturing the first home you shared with your partner or a detailed sketch showcasing the architectural details of your childhood house. These pieces become more than just decorations; they’re emotional anchors that evoke memories and spark joy.

Beyond Portraits: A Spectrum of Personalization

While custom portraits of your home are a popular choice, the realm of personalized art extends far beyond. Here are a few ways to infuse your space with unique touches, inspiring you to think outside the box and get creative:

  • Capture Your Passions: Are you an avid photographer? Showcase your travel adventures or display a captivating close-up of your favorite flower in a high-quality canvas print. A framed record cover or a vintage concert poster can become a cherished centerpiece for the music lover.
  • Embrace the Handmade Touch: Support local artisans by displaying their handcrafted pottery or sculptures. If you’re artistically inclined, showcase your creations, whether a vibrant painting, a whimsical sculpture, or detailed embroidery.
  • Words that Inspire: Incorporate meaningful quotes, song lyrics, or family mottos into your artwork. Inspirational words framed above your desk can spark motivation, while a lighthearted family motto displayed in the kitchen can add a touch of humor and warmth.
  • Memories in a Collage: Online services allow you to create custom photo collages. Gather pictures from a special vacation, a childhood friend group, or your furry companion, and turn them into a vibrant display that chronicles cherished memories.

The Finishing Touches: Tailoring to Your Style

Once you’ve chosen the artwork that speaks to your heart, consider how to personalize it further.

  • Framing: The right frame can elevate a piece of art. Explore various materials, colors, and styles to complement the artwork and your existing decor. A rustic wooden frame might enhance a landscape photograph, while a sleek metal frame could modernize a vintage print.
  • Playing with Layout: Be bold and experiment with the arrangement of your personalized art. Group similar pieces together for a cohesive look, or create a gallery wall with various sizes and styles for a dynamic feel.

Personalized art doesn’t have to be expensive. Explore local art fairs and support up-and-coming artists. You can also find unique and affordable pieces at thrift stores or flea markets, and with a bit of creativity, breathe new life into them through painting or upcycling. This empowers you to create a unique space without breaking the bank.

In a nutshell

By incorporating personalized art, your home transcends the realm of functionality and reflects your inner world. It’s a space that tells your story, evokes emotions, and sparks conversation. So, unleash your creativity, explore your passions, and breathe life into your walls with the art that truly speaks to you. The result will be a space that feels uniquely yours, a sanctuary that reflects your story and sparks joy with every glance.

A Splash of Personality: Adding Colors to Your Home

Abstract Patter and vibrant colors Poster

Our homes are sanctuaries, reflecting our personalities and moods. But sometimes, neutral walls and beige furniture can make our living spaces feel slightly bland. Enter the magic of color! Colors have a profound impact on our emotions and well-being. Introducing them strategically can breathe new life into your home, creating a stylish and refreshing space.

Understanding Color Psychology

Before revamping your homes, it’s helpful to understand how different colors affect us. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Warm Colors (Reds, Oranges, Yellows): These colors evoke energy, warmth, and optimism. They’re perfect for social spaces like living rooms or kitchens but can feel overwhelming in bedrooms.
  • Cool Colors (Blues, Greens): Cool colors promote calmness, peace, and relaxation. Ideal for bedrooms and bathrooms, they can make overly large rooms feel cozier.
  • Neutrals (Whites, Grays, Beiges): Neutrals provide a clean canvas and a sense of balance. They can be used throughout the home and paired with bolder accent colors.

Choosing the Right Colors for Your Space

When picking your palette, consider the function of each room. Consider vibrant reds or yellows for energetic spaces like workout rooms or playrooms. Need a calming retreat? Try serene blues or lavenders for your bedroom. Remember the power of natural light! Rooms with ample sunlight can handle bolder colors, while rooms with less light might benefit from lighter, airier shades.

Beyond Walls: Adding Color with Flair

Paint isn’t the only way to embrace color! Here are some creative ideas:

  • Furniture: A statement sofa in a rich emerald green or a mustard yellow armchair can instantly add personality.
  • Rugs: Area rugs come in a vast array of colors and patterns. They add visual interest while anchoring furniture arrangements.
  • Textiles: Throw pillows, curtains, and tablecloths offer quick pops of color and can be easily swapped out for seasonal changes.
  • Artwork: Vibrant paintings, sculptures, posters, canvas prints, or photographs can be conversation starters and inject personality into your space.

Color Harmony: Striking the Right Balance

While bold colors are exciting, maintaining balance is critical. Here are some tips:

  • The 60-30-10 rule: This classic design principle recommends using a dominant color (60%), a secondary color (30%), and an accent color (10%) to create a cohesive yet visually exciting space.
  • Color matching: Use a color wheel for inspiration. Colors opposite each other on the wheel (complementary colors) create a vibrant contrast, while colors next to each other (analogous colors) create a more harmonious feel.
  • Feel free to experiment: Start with smaller areas like an accent wall or furniture. Observe how the colors feel in the room before committing to more significant changes.

Final Touches and Considerations

Remember, good lighting plays a crucial role in how colors appear. Invest in dimmers or layered lighting options to adjust the mood and make your chosen colors shine. Consider the existing finishes in your home. Wood floors pair well with warmer tones, while sleek metal accents complement cooler hues.

In a nutshell

Adding color to your home is a fun and personal journey. Embrace the process, be bold (or not!), and most importantly, create a space that reflects your unique style and makes you feel happy and inspired. After all, a splash of color can go a long way in transforming your house into a proper home.

Wall Decorating: A Game Changer for Your Space

Flowery doodles poster

Wall decorating is more than just adding color to your space; it’s a powerful tool for transformation.

From creating a focal point to setting the mood, your walls can be a canvas for your personality, style, and aspirations.

How Wall Decor Can Transform Your Space

  • Sets the Tone: The right wall decor can instantly change a room’s atmosphere. Think calming blues for a serene bedroom or bold reds for a vibrant living room.
  • Creates a Focal Point: A striking piece of art or a unique wall treatment can draw the eye and become the room’s centerpiece.
  • Reflects Your Personality: Your walls are a reflection of who you are. Whether you’re a minimalist, bohemian, or eclectic, your decor choices should tell your story.
  • Adds Dimension and Texture: Incorporating different textures, like wood, metal, or fabric, can add depth and interest to your walls.
  • Improves Acoustics: Wall decor can help absorb sound and reduce echo in rooms with high ceilings or hard surfaces.

Wall Decor Ideas to Inspire You

  • Art: Paintings, prints, photographs, or mixed media pieces can add color, interest, and personality.
  • Mirrors: Reflect light, create the illusion of space, and add a touch of glamor.
  • Wallpapers: Create a bold statement or add a subtle pattern to your walls.
  • Shelving: Display your favorite books, collectibles, or plants while adding functional storage.
  • Wall-Mounted Storage: Maximize space with wall-mounted shelves, hooks, or organizers.
  • Textured Walls: Create visual interest with textured paint, wallpaper, or tile.
  • Mural or Stencil: Add a custom touch with a hand-painted mural or a stencil design.

Would you like to focus on a specific room or style? Send us a message, and we can give you more inspiration. 

Wall Decorating Trend This Year

Wall decorating trends in 2024 reflect a diverse blend of styles, colors, and materials, showcasing the evolving tastes of homeowners and designers. This year, the emphasis is on creating personalized and sustainable environments that echo individual stories and preferences. Here’s a closer look at some key trends shaping the world of wall decor in 2024.

Natural Elements

This year,  there’s a strong inclination towards incorporating natural elements into wall decor. Homeowners are increasingly drawn to wood, stone, and natural fibers. Wooden wall panels, reclaimed wood shelves, and stone accent walls bring warmth and organic beauty to interiors. Botanical prints and nature-inspired wallpapers are also popular, reflecting a desire to bring the outdoors inside and create a calming, serene atmosphere.


Minimalism continues to influence wall decorating significantly. Clean lines, simple shapes, and a focus on functionality characterize this trend. The minimalist approach often involves a neutral color palette, which helps to create a sense of space and light. White walls, for instance, provide a blank canvas that can be accented with carefully chosen decor pieces, such as monochromatic artwork or sleek, modern shelves. This trend appeals to those who prefer a clutter-free and serene living environment.

Bold Colors and Patterns

Contrasting the minimalist trend, bold colors and patterns are making a solid comeback in 2024. Vibrant hues like deep blues, rich greens, and striking yellows create accent walls that add personality and energy to a room. Geometric patterns and abstract designs are also popular, providing a modern and dynamic look. These elements can be introduced through wallpapers, painted murals, or large-scale artworks, making a statement and transforming any space into a focal point.

Gallery Walls

Gallery walls remain a beloved trend, allowing for a highly personalized and artistic display of photographs, paintings, and other memorabilia. This trend encourages creativity, as endless ways exist to arrange and combine pieces. Mixing different frame styles, sizes, and colors can create a visually exciting and cohesive display. Gallery walls are not limited to living rooms; they are also becoming popular in bedrooms, hallways, and bathrooms, adding character and a personal touch to any home area.

Texture Play

Texture is a crucial element in 2024’s wall decorating trends. Textured wallpapers, fabric wall hangings, and 3D wall panels add depth and interest to flat surfaces. These elements can create a tactile experience that enhances a room’s aesthetic. For example, a woven tapestry can bring a sense of warmth and comfort, while a metallic or embossed wallpaper can add a touch of luxury and sophistication.

Statement Murals

Statement murals are a bold and artistic way to decorate walls in 2024. Large-scale artworks, whether painted directly onto the wall or applied as wallpaper, can serve as a stunning focal point in a room. Murals can depict anything from abstract designs and landscapes to personal stories and cultural themes, offering a unique way to express creativity and individuality.


Sustainability is a growing concern, reflected in wall decorating trends. Eco-friendly materials, such as recycled wood, non-toxic paints, and sustainable wallpapers, are increasingly popular. Homeowners are more conscious of their decor choices’ environmental impact and opt for beautiful, sustainable products. This trend not only supports the environment but also promotes healthier living spaces.

In conclusion, the wall decorating trends of 2024 are a testament to the diversity and dynamism of interior design. From natural elements and minimalist aesthetics to bold colors and sustainable choices, these trends offer something for everyone, allowing homeowners to create stylish spaces that reflect their values.

Beautiful Walls with Posters and Canvas Prints

Yvonne Aresu on Glitch on poster with a black frame in a living room.

Designing beautiful walls with posters from can transform your space into a vibrant, stylish area. Here are some tips for creating stunning wall displays:

  1. Choose a Theme: Decide on a theme for your space, such as modern, minimalist, bohemian, or vintage. This will help you select posters that complement each other and the room’s overall aesthetic.
  2. Mix and Match Sizes: Use a variety of poster sizes to create an interesting and dynamic display. Larger posters can serve as focal points, while smaller ones can fill in gaps and add depth.
  3. Frame Your Posters: Framing posters can give them a polished and professional look. Choose frames that match the style of your room and the artwork.
  4. Create a Gallery Wall: Arrange multiple posters in a cohesive layout to form a gallery wall. You can arrange them in a grid pattern for a clean look or a more organic layout for a relaxed feel.
  5. Color Coordination: Select posters with a common color scheme to ensure a harmonious look. This can tie the room together and make the display more visually appealing.
  6. Use Floating Shelves: If you don’t want to commit to hanging posters directly on the wall, use floating shelves. This lets you easily change the display and add other decorative elements like plants or sculptures.
  7. Incorporate Textures: To add visual interest, mix posters with different textures or finishes, such as matte, glossy, or metallic prints.
  8. Lighting: Proper lighting can enhance the impact of your poster display. Use picture, spot, or string lights to highlight your posters.
  9. Personal Touch: Include posters that reflect your personality, interests, or travels. This makes the space feel unique and personal.
  10. Consider Spacing: Pay attention to the spacing between posters. Consistent spacing can create a cohesive look, while varied spacing can add a more eclectic vibe.

By following these tips, you can create beautiful walls adorned with posters that enhance the aesthetics of your space.

The Beauty of Modern Design Style

Family Photo in canvas

Modernism can be defined differently, depending on an individual’s perspective. It can be described as a multicultural and multidisciplinary approach. Experts believe that modernism in interior design is a style or movement with a sole goal. Modernism aims to deviate from traditional or classical forms. Applying theories and principles also enhances the needs and functions that homeowners require.

Modernism – How it all started

Modernism in interior design style can be traced back to the 19th century. During that time, modernists aimed to develop new standards applicable and appropriate to the environment. It has been observed that the appearance of various structures has undergone significant changes since the Industrial Revolution. Modernism only started as a school of thought. As time goes on, it has influenced other disciplines, such as politics, religion, literature, art, architecture, and interior design. Modernism is also associated with Futurism, Bauhaus, Neo-Dada, Cubism, Minimalism, and Abstract Expressionism. 

In interior design, the style is multifaceted, embracing a holistic approach rather than a single style. Examples of the style include an open floor plan, stylish kitchen design, trendy color palette, multifunctional shelves, and others. 

Add the style to your room

The interior design style has different characteristics that can also be observed in architecture and design. It focuses on functionality and simplicity. It is devoid of excessive decorations and is considered simple and plain. As such, the design style can evoke a calm and relaxing atmosphere. 

Modernism emphasizes functionality before beauty and form, minimal use of texture, clean-lined design, and open spaces to allow natural light to enter. 

Clean straight lines

The modern design style focuses on straight lines, with no other details seen in furniture pieces or room appearance. The lines are sharp and spare, evident on sanded wood floors, open floor plans, and few walls. There is also the absence of moldings, trimmings, windows, doors, and walls. 

Make it simple

Less is more. This principle can be observed in interior design. It does not require unnecessary details such as excessive fabric, columns, or space-consuming cabinets. Minimalism is more focused on simplicity and functionality. The absence of excessive items leads to a clutterless environment. 

Make it bold with vibrant colors

Bold primary colors are usually observed in a modern home. This creates a focal point that will capture the viewers’ attention. A bold color scheme balances the neutral colors that are common on walls. 

Add some metals

Metals like chrome and stainless steel create a modern appearance, and wrought iron creates a unique and interesting room design. 

Colors To Mix With Red For The New Year

Textured red rectangles canvas

We may add red to our homes since New Year is fast approaching. There is something about the color that makes it valuable to traditions and beliefs. However, too much red can be overwhelming, and we may need to be more visually suitable for our homes. Here are some colors you can use with red to make your room look more captivating and ready for the New Year.

The color red

Red is considered warm and is associated with our physical needs and the will to survive. It is also a masculine color, as can be seen in products for men, which are packaged with red as the dominant color. Red signifies spirit and leadership qualities, which promote determination and ambition. Whatever it is associated with, red is powerful and beautiful. Red can mix well with any style, such as traditional, eclectic, and modern styles. Remember that red can go everywhere from cheery and happy to angry and aggressive. This is what you need to keep in mind when using red in the interior. Too much may be an eyesore, and you should know when to stop using it. 

Colors to blend with red

Imagine that you are wearing a pure red shirt. Try adding some accessories with contrasting colors so you will not be an eyesore to others. Here are some colors that blend well with red and can highlight it:

Sunflower yellow 

A sunflower shade of yellow blends well with a red interior. It evokes an impression of having a vibrant and lively room. The color blend helps create a bold, striking, and personality-filled room.

Midnight black

One of the best combinations of all time is black and red. A room with a foundation of these two colors can always be striking, no matter what decor you add.

Navy blue 

Navy can balance and mellow red. It can create a stylish and youthful appearance in the room.


Fuchsia and red may seem the same color with different shades. The combination will provide a monochromatic and layered look. The combination can evoke a sophisticated look.


Creamy white can likewise mellow the red color of the interior, creating a sophisticated and easy atmosphere in the room.

Grass green

Cherry red can match the grassy green and create a trendy and hip style.

Chocolate brown

Chocolate and red may not seem to go with each other at first, but the reality is that this combination evokes a feminine and chic room atmosphere.


Turquoise and red create a room that is vibrant and full of life.

Bubblegum pink

Shades of pink do not go well with many colors, but with red, it can be unique.

Dandelion yellow

Dandelion yellow with a punch of red can give a friendly welcome in the house.

Metallic gray

Gunmetal shows an industrial-looking room. Red accents can make an artsy appearance in the room.


Luxurious and elegant. These are what the Red and Gold project is. Ideal in the dining room and other formal areas. It may be classic but timeless as well.

Olive green 

Paired with red, it can give a traditional look to the room.

Charcoal gray

A combination of charcoal and red can show masculine energy.


When blue is mixed with red, accents can create fashionable energy.

Color Your Home For The New Year

Lantern Festival Poster in Black Frame

Celebrating the New Year in the Philippines is filled with traditions and beliefs. History tells us that different cultures, such as the Chinese, Americans, and Spanish, have greatly influenced us. 

Adding colors to homes before and during the New Year’s Eve celebration is essential for many families. Specific colors are believed to bring good luck. Studies have shown that colors have significant effects on the mind and body. That is why the colors we add to our rooms are essential, as these may affect our mood and behavior. Regarding the New Year celebration, some colors are considered lucky when seen around or wearing them. 


White has many symbols. It represents innocence, purity, and hygiene. It is also associated with religious traditions and specific works of art. 


One of the events that has been celebrated for many years is the Lunar New Year. This has been observed for thousands of years and is celebrated in many Asian countries. Red is used to scare off a hungry beast believed to terrorize villages every New Year. These days, red is associated with good luck and good fortune by the Chinese and other Asian cultures. 


Purple is associated with wealth, so the color is only seen in European and Asian monarchs. The reason is that the original vibrant purple dye, made in ancient Phoenicia, needed around 250,000 rare sea snails. Do note also that the number of sea snails only produces about an ounce of the dye. This makes the color so expensive that only wealthy people can afford it. 


Blue is associated with religious traditions and serenity in art. Blue is also believed to have mystical properties due to its rarity. Make your home look serene with blue for a more peaceful New Year. 


Silver is one of the most precious metals in the world. It was mined more than 5000 years ago. The shiny hue is associated with all the exceptional opportunities this New Year. 


Studies have shown that the color green leads to better physical and mental health. The reason is that the color is associated with nature. Green also increases positive emotions and vibes. This is why you must bring the color to your home this year. 

Decorating With Black and White Art

It won't be like this forever Canvas in interior

Black and white can create a room that is timeless and elegant. Decorating your room or space with black and white art can create a stunning and dramatic appearance that will look impressive. If you are uncomfortable or unsure about using colors, black and white are the safest hues.

Perfect shades for your interior

Using black and white in interior decorating offers any room a fresh, clean, and elegant appearance. These colors are perfect for any decorating style and are preferred by many homeowners and decorators. Many consider these colors the safest to use with different interior design styles. 

Contemporary-themed interiors usually use black and white to blend with metals. This is also true with the Country design style, as the colors may blend well with wood and other natural materials. If you want more style with black and white, add variations such as red, yellow, or purple to some areas. However, make sure that black and white would still be prominent for them to be the room’s focal point.

Why decorate with black and white prints?

Creating wall art is one of the easiest and most extraordinary ways to make any room look more fun and exciting. Wall art can likewise be the focal point of any room and space, offering various effects on the overall appearance. 

Designing wall art can be tricky, and grids are highly recommended as they are the most uncomplicated layout. In addition to these, grids are symmetrical and appealing to the eyes. Displaying black and white art can evoke a timeless classic that all ages will love. Vintage black-and-white art can make the walls look clean and allow you to add colors and other decorative items.

Displaying black and white prints can strike a balance. The black, for instance, can add a sense of elegance or sophistication. Posters with black outlines convey authority, power, formality, and class. White, on the other hand, balances black. White represents cleanliness, peace, health, and new beginnings. These colors are easy to use and blend well with any statement of the room. 

In a nutshell

Every room deserves a makeover to make it look more personal and appealing. Using black and white can add drama and sophistication to any room or space. If you want to decorate any room but are still deciding what to add, using black-and-white art is the safest and easiest way. Black and white alone or combining them with other accent colors can evoke a simple and classic statement.

Black-and-white prints can be displayed in different ways. The most common is creating a wall gallery of black-and-white images. These posters will not only add an accent to the walls. They will likewise generate an atmosphere that will bring you back in time.